VivaTv APK v1.4.6 下载 2025 (官方的) 最新的

VivaTv APK 是流媒体应用程序社区的新成员,作为优秀的电影或节目提供商而受到用户的高度赞赏. 所以, 台风电视 Android 应用程序之后, 许多爱好者向社交社区的人们推荐了ViVa Tv. 所以, we decided to give you the official download link for the same app on our site.

如今, entertainment is a great priority to the people, especially those who are working in the offices and staring at the monitors all day. 对于那些, these apps would be the best choice to relieve stress by watching the desired movies for free. 当然, there are a lot of entertainment apps out there that actually charge a subscription-free for some period like monthly and yearly.

虽然, apps like Netflix, Amazon Prime, 热星, 家庭影院, Hulu and you name it, still android fanatics like me who always prefer tricky apps like VivaTv for entertainment deeds. These are pretty decent in providing paid content for free, and the user experience is not bad at all.

What is VivaTv APK?

VivaTv is an android streaming application that actually works based on the former terrarium tv method. That means this client find the links which have already been available to the public, but we cannot search them by using general search engines like 谷歌 and Bing. 所以, we can simply call it a movie search engine instead of a streaming app.

Not only one can watch a series right there with the help of a video player, but also one can download their desired video content (电影, 节目 & 系列) to the device storage for free of cost. The developer added support to ADM (高级下载管理器) 下载时获得最佳性能.

而且, 令人惊叹的炫酷功能是让用户着迷于这款 Viva Tv 应用程序的另一个优势. 我们已经解释了以下主要功能, 请完整阅读它们.

Apk 版本信息

尺寸17 MB
最近更新时间可能 25, 2022

下载适用于 Android 的 VivaTv APK 官方最新版本 & 火棒

掌上免费在线观看大量电影/连续剧,甚至还可以观看针对 Amazon FireStick 和 Fire Tv 4K 设备进行优化的 VivaTV APK. 现在只需下载这款出色的 Android 应用程序,即可轻松在电视上观看在线付费内容. 享受无限流媒体,不受任何地区限制.

简单的用户界面揭示了需要显示的所有内容. 所以, 用户可以轻松地使用这些功能. 在我看来, 开发者的 UI 设计灵感来自 Android 版 BeeTv 应用程序, 也许你也知道.

从下面的直接链接下载 VivaTv APK.

| v1.3.9 下载


vivatv截图 2


以下是该应用程序附带的一些不错的功能. 请从下面阅读它们.

  • 语言—— VivaTv 应用程序提供多种语言版本,例如英语, 南非荷兰语, 阿尔巴尼亚人, 阿拉伯, 阿拉贡语, 亚美尼亚, 阿斯图里亚斯, 阿塞拜疆语, 巴斯克, 白俄罗斯语, 孟加拉, 波斯尼亚语, 布列塔尼语, 保加利亚语, 缅甸语, 中国人, 克罗地亚语, 丹麦语, 荷兰语, 法语, 德语, 希腊语, 印地语, 印度尼西亚, 日本人, 葡萄牙语, 俄语, 西班牙语, 越南语, 和 20 更多的. 我们真的应该亲自感谢开发商.
  • 服务 - 支持real-debrid等下载服务, 杂物, 并优质化. 它将帮助您不受任何限制地直接存储到您的云或本地存储中.
  • – 只需使用您的 帐户登录并跟踪您观看的电视剧和电影.
  • 字幕 – 从热门网站获取字幕 (打开字幕 & 子场景) 根据您选择的电影. 而且, 您可以根据您的方便自定义它的字体大小.
  • 外部视频播放器 – If you want to enjoy streaming on some third party video player, then you can able to do that easily right from the loading screen. 顺便一提, the default player is also good, which caters the same features of the MX Player Pro app.
  • Discover – Also known as a home page which lest users explore new updated HD movies for free.
  • Watchlist – Watchlist tab makes you remember what you have watched. 而且, you can backup and restore watchlist data.
  • 搜索 - Simply type tv show name and select from the suggestion that you received.
  • Download manager – Inbuilt download manager let you know about the progress of the ongoing download. 同时, VivaTv APP supports Advanced Download Manager (广告管理公司) and recommended by the developers.
  • 更新 - You will get popup window once the developer updates his app.
  • 类别 – If you are looking specific category films, then just select the category. It will show up all the videos based on the genre.
  • Chrome Cast – This option is useful when you want to mirror android smartphone to the chrome cast supported television.

How to Install Official VivaTV APK on Android?

步 1. Once you download VivaTv APK from our official page, head over to the status bar.

步 2. 点击APK文件. 通常, android security will open a window and ask you to allow some permission from your end.

步 3. Allow unknown sources or allow this source option to install APK’s from other websites like us.

步 4. Once you did that step 3, again go back to the same location to install VivaTv APK on your android device.

步 5. 打开应用程序, allow storage permission.

步 6. Agree with their terms and conditions.

步 7. Choose your preferred app language and done.

步 8. Select any Movies or Series from the Discover section or, you can make a search for your desired video content.

步 9. Tap on the video thumbnail.

步 10. Here in this page, Tap on the Play icon. It will fetch you the links that are playable and choose any one of them by considering video resolution.

步 11. 最后, play with subtitle if you wish.

How to Install Viva Tv APK on FireStick and FireTv 4K?

Viva TV APK is best suitable for FireStick devices along with android smart tv devices. Users can able to use this app without the need for mouse toggle application.

步 1. 前往设置 from the home screen of the Fire Tv Stick.

安装程序 1

步 2. 前往Device or My Fire Tv option and select it.

安装程序 2

步 3. 打开developer options.

安装程序 3

步 4. 导航到Apps from unknown sources option. 点击它.

安装程序 4

步 5. Turn on the Apps from unknown sources option to sideload apps from other than amazon app store.

安装程序 5

步 6. 返回主屏幕并再次进入相同的顶部菜单单击搜索图标.

安装程序 6

步 7. 类型下载器

安装程序 7

步 8. 从单词建议中选择它.

步 9. 安装下载器应用程序 到您的 Fire 电视棒.

安装程序 8

步 10. 打开下载器应用程序.

安装程序 9

步 11. 允许其存储权限.

安装程序 10

步 12. 现在, 选择设置并启用 Javascript 选项 到浏览器.

安装程序 11

步 13. 前往浏览器选项 从菜单.

安装程序 12

步 14. 输入此网址: 使用遥控器. 然后单击执行按钮.


步 15. 它将开始将 VivaTv APK 下载到您的 Fire 电视棒中.


步 16. 一旦完成, 单击安装按钮.


步 17. 点击完成按钮 返回并删除 APK 文件. 删除APK文件将帮助您清除一些存储空间.

打开 vivatv-app-on-firestick

步 18. 返回主屏幕并选择应用程序和渠道部分.

步 19. 向下滚动到列表底部并找到Viva TV 应用程序图标.


Step 20.Drag it to the Top row andopen from there.


One would say VivaTv is the full package that is slowly gaining recognition as one of the best streaming apps available. Why settle to pay for Netflix or Amazon while you can access all of their content and much more for free.

There are some ads in the VivaTv App to support the developer and we will try to provide a modded ad-free version of it in the download page. We request everyone to use official over ad-free.

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