尽管很多人都在尝试使用 Telegram,但他们认为 Telegram 是即时通讯领域的下一件大事, WhatsApp is still the king in this sector and each day it has more and more users despite now belonging to Facebook and that many people started worrying about their privacy after the purchase.
We use this service every day tochat with friends, send photos, share videos, talk in groups or organize get-togethers. It has become an essential tool for our daily life but, 很遗憾, it’s still a bit stiff in terms of customization and functionality, despite having added video calls recently.
A tweaked version of WhatsApp Plus.
That’s why now and again new mods of this popular messaging application appear, being WhatsApp Plus one of the most renowned versions. But thisWhatsApp+ JiMODs (JTWhatsApp) created by Jimtechs goes a step further, as it incorporates an anti-banning system (WhatsApp can’t kick you out if it realizes that you’re using it), it still adds extra functions to the original version and it alsoallows the use of two WhatsApp accountson the same Android phone.
Why would I need this WhatsApp+ JiMODs?
出色地, because everyone is keen on getting hold of arenovated version of WhatsApp with total freedom to apply whatever changes you want to the messaging app without worrying about being temporarily banned:
- Possibility to usetwo WhatsApp accounts on the same phone.
- Dozens of themes to customize the aspect of your messaging app.
- Change colors, 图标, sizes and basically any other element.
- 这size of the videos you can send has been increased from 16 至 30 MB.
- 这number of photosyou can share at once has been increased from 10 至 90.
- 您通过 WhatsApp 发送的照片将不再失去任何质量.
- 您的状态的字符数从 139 至 250.
- 与联系人聊天时查看他们的状态.
- 隐藏您上次在线的时间 同时仍然能够查看有关您的联系人的信息.
- 兼容更多类型的格式: PDF格式, XLS, TXT, 文档, PPT, 维卡, XLSX, 即时通讯文件, 文档文档, 聚苯乙烯, 压缩, ETC.
如何安装此 WhatsApp 模组?
你明明将无法在 Google Play 中找到此 mod 的安装文件, 因此,为了能够尝试我们上面描述的所有功能,您需要访问 Jimtech 的官方页面或单击我们的下载按钮.
在继续安装 APK 之前,建议备份您之前的对话然后卸载任何其他版本的 WhatsApp. Then simply run the file, introduce the phone number and the activation code you’ll receive by SMS, restore the chats and start making the most of this mod.
What’s new in the latest version of WhatsApp Plus Jimtechs Editions
- New anti-ban version.
- 通过APK文件安装应用程序需要激活 “未知来源” option within Settings>Applications.
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