Widget LED simple 2.0.3 APK dernière version


Download Simple LED Widget 2.0.3 APK for your Android Mobi

Tired of trying out other Flashlight, Torch, LED apps, only to find that they’re ugly, complicated, full of ads, or require excessive permissions? All you want is a constant source of light, not a strobe light, or multi-color screen seizure.

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Simple LED Widget Apk file Information

Nom de fichier:com.freek.ledwidget-9.apk
Téléchargé: Août 10, 2016 à 13h30 GMT+00
Taille du fichier:450k
Version Android minimale:3.0 et jusqu'à

Développeur d'applications:Rahat Ahmed

Download Simple LED Widget 2.0.3 APK:

  • Download Simple LED Widget 2.0.3 APK–450k
  • Obtenez cette application sur Google Play

Older Version of Simple LED Widget APK

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