Download Lower Brightness Screen Filter 1.1.2 APK per il tuo cellulare Android, Tablet O qualsiasi dispositivo Android da con collegamento diretto.
Have you ever set the screen brightness to the lowest but it still so bright?
If you feel the screen is so bright and you want to reduce it. You need this application called “Lower Brightness”.
“Lower Brightness” application helps you reduce brightness to any level. You can set brightness level from 0% a 100% by just opening the application and choose brightness level you want.
Filtro dello schermo della luminosità inferiore 1.1.2 Informazioni APK
Nome del file: nu.lower.brightness.apk
Versione: 1.1.2
Caricato: sett 9, 2016 a 14:56 PM GMT+00
Dimensione del file: 3.1M
Versione Android minima: 2.3 e su
Svilupparer: Nu-Kob
Download Lower Brightness Screen Filter 1.1.2 APK :
- Download Lower Brightness Screen Filter 1.1.2 APK – 3.1M
- Installa da Google Play
Older Version of Lower Brightness Screen Filter 1.1.2 APK disponibile:
- Filtro dello schermo della luminosità inferiore 1.1.2 APK ULTIMA VERSIONE caricato: settembre 9, 2016