低亮度屏幕过滤器 1.1.2 APK 最新版本

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Have you ever set the screen brightness to the lowest but it still so bright?
If you feel the screen is so bright and you want to reduce it. You need this application calledLower Brightness”.
Lower Brightnessapplication helps you reduce brightness to any level. You can set brightness level from 0% 至 100% by just opening the application and choose brightness level you want.

低亮度屏幕过滤器 1.1.2 APK信息

文件名: nu.lower.brightness.apk
版本: 1.1.2
已上传: 九月 9, 2016 在 14:56 格林威治标准时间+00
文件大小: 3.1米
最低安卓版本: 2.3 及以上

开发者r: Nu-Kob

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