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Dear Vine Communitythank you for all the inspiration, laughs, and loops. We have now placed Vine in an archived state. 자세한 내용은, please visit

범주: 사회의
운영 체제: 기계적 인조 인간
가격: 무료

사용자 리뷰/의견:

  • Ugh like the rest of the people I wanted to finally get it so I can look at edits and funny vines I saw on YouTube but got thearchivedmessage once I downloaded. How stupid??!! Why have an app that’s just a page claiming the real app wont work??!!
  • Oh my gosh, this app is terrible! when I first got to the app, it just said a message saying that vine was replaced in an achieved State and it made no sense! If you’re saying that vine is dead, then why do you guys still have the app in store? No wonder you guys have so much hate comments! Take off the app already it’s 2018! We’re already posting R.I.P vines on YouTube. So we don’t need a message reminding us that it’s dead! I am now mad.
  • Ok, why do you guys have this app? If you’re gonna say, are R. 나. P vines, if you guys are going to say that it’s been taken down in a dream of live on now, it Will look on stop, just stop.
  • DON’T GET THIS APP!!! I installed this because it says you can still watch the videos but yet when i opened it all you could choose was privacy policy, terms and conditions, or learn more, which then sent you to a web page saying that vine was gone and in an archive that you can watch the videos and post them to other sites butwhere are the videos????


패키지 이름:
버전: 7.0.0 (1600700)
파일 크기: 1.3 메가바이트
업데이트됨: 5월 26, 2018
최소 안드로이드 버전: 기계적 인조 인간 4.1 (젤리 빈, API 16)

DOWNLOAD Vine 7.0.0 (1600700) APK

이전 버전

Vine Camera 6.0.0

패키지 이름:
버전: 6.0.0 (1600361)
파일 크기: 19.7 메가바이트
업로드됨: 3월 14, 2018
최소 안드로이드 버전: 기계적 인조 인간 4.1 (젤리 빈, API 16)

Vine Camera 5.50.1

버전: 5.50.1 (1600360)
업로드됨: 12월 29, 2016 ~에 2:20오전 GMT+00 AM
파일 크기: 25.88메가바이트 (27,142,160 바이트)
최소 안드로이드 버전: 기계적 인조 인간 4.1+ (젤리 빈, API 16)

Vine Camera 5.50.0

버전: 5.50.0 (1600359)
업로드됨: 12월 29, 2016 ~에 2:20오전 GMT+00 AM
파일 크기: 25.28메가바이트 (26,511,707 바이트)
최소 안드로이드 버전: 기계적 인조 인간 4.1+ (젤리 빈, API 16)

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