뿌리- Push Notifications Fixer 5.5 APK 최신 버전

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Download Root- Push Notifications Fixer 5.5 Android 모바일용 APK, 직접 링크가 있는 AndroidFreeApks.com의 태블릿 또는 모든 Android 기기

Push Notification Fixer (PNF) changes the heartbeat-interval numbers. The heartbeat interval it’s a mechanism of android that keeps the push connection alive by sending a little network packet at specified intervals. PNF simply updates that interval numbers. By maintaining the push-connection active (for example every 5 분), push notifications will arrive on your device instantly.

Setting the intervals to their lowest values won’t make your notifications arrive more quickly. If the app is installed with the proper permissions, your notifications will arrive instantly regardless of a low interval.

If you have problems or questions, send me an email ([email protected]) before giving the app a poor rating. I will answer you as soon as possible.

뿌리- Push Notifications Fixer 5.5 APK 파일 정보:

파일 이름: com.andqlimax.pushfixer.apk
버전: 5.5
업로드됨: 9월 18, 2016 ~에 13:02 오후 GMT+00
파일 크기: 2.9중
최소 안드로이드 버전: 4.1 그리고 위로

개발하다아르 자형: andQlimax

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