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Speed Dial Apk

Unlimited contacts in each group.
– 까지 8 columns.
Google drive backup.
Home screen widgets.
Swipe/Fling between the groups.
– 언어:
독일어 (독일 사람)
영어 (영어)
스페인어 (스페인의)
프랑스 국민 (프랑스 국민)
이탈리아 사람 (이탈리아 사람)
Magyar (헝가리 인)
포르투갈 인 (포르투갈)
Română (루마니아 사람)
Türkçe (터키어)
ру́сский (러시아인)
Ελληνικά (그리스 어)
헤브라이 사람 (헤브라이 사람)
아라비아 말 (아라비아 말)
– 콘택트 렌즈, Dial Pad and Call Log.
Rename groups, select groups to show, group button height.
Contact label on image, label text and frame height.
App start on phone start up.
On touch select option or call or write SMS.
Contact effects, which can be customized by user.
Rounded frame and image corners.
Change added and empty contact image size.
Manual order of the contacts in the group.

*And many many other options*

새로운 기능

1) – Improvements on Contacts function of the app.
1) – Added Japanese language.
2) – In the Contacts function you can disable the built in formatted numbers and the phone numbers will be shown as they are read from the phone book.
3) – Some improvement on the Contacts and Call Log functions.
4) – Added XLarge buttons option in the Dial Pad.
Speed Dial Apk 1

단축 다이얼 6.0.4 APK

  • Download Speed Dial 6.0.4 Apk -5.8mb
  • 플레이스토어에서 설치

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