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Download Turbo Cleaner 1.0.1 Android 모바일용 APK, 직접 링크가 있는 AndroidFreeApks.com의 태블릿 또는 모든 Android 기기.

Is your phone becoming slow and lag?
Are there many junk files in your phone?
Is your battery draining faster than before?
Turbo Cleaner, a reliable memory & speed booster, Android optimizer, and battery saver, helps you clean junk file, boost mobile phone, and extend battery life.
Only 3 메가바이트, Turbo Cleaner is a small yet effective booster and cleaner app for Android. With intuitive interface, it can clean junk file, 은닉처, 광고, unnecessary background apps and boost mobile memory to make your phone faster. Even Android phones with slow processor and low memory can have a better performance after clean and boost.


Turbo Cleaner 1.0.1 APK 파일 정보:

파일 이름: com.turboc.cleaner.apk
버전: 1.0.1
업로드됨: 9월 26, 2016 ~에 13:13 오후 GMT+00
파일 크기: 4.0중
최소 안드로이드 버전: 4.1 그리고 위로

개발하다아르 자형: Turboc Dev

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