Doze – For Better Battery Life 1.17 Versão mais recente do APK


Download Doze – For Better Battery Life 1.17 APK para seu celular Android, Tablet OU qualquer dispositivo Android de com link direto.

e all know that data is one of the biggest power drain. If you keep your data on all the day, apps can run out of full battery even without using your phone.

When screen is off, Doze prevents your apps from sending or receiving data without disabling your Wi-Fi or 2G/3G/4G data. In this way it adds more hours to standby time and makes significant difference to battery life.


Doze – For Better Battery Life Apk file Information

Nome do arquivo:com.yirgalab.dzzz.apk
Carregado: Agosto 7, 2016 às 13h30 GMT+00
Tamanho do arquivo:2.9M
Versão mínima do Android:4.0 para cima

Desenvolvedor de aplicativos:YirgaLab

Download Doze – For Better Battery Life 1.17 APK:

  • Download Doze – For Better Battery Life 1.17 APK –2.9M
  • Obtenha este aplicativo do Google Play

Older Version of Doze – For Better Battery Life APK

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