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Download Clean Faster-Boost Master APK for your Android Mobile, Планшет ИЛИ любое устройство Android с AndroidFreeApks.com с прямой ссылкой.

Speed up your browsing experience by locking all other working applications such a Chrome, Facebook or Amazon on your phone in one click! With the lightest package size (only 108K), Speed Booster for Android will improve performance of your phone, and you will be able enjoy the fastest browsing and game experience and save battery life of your device. And it’s all for free!!!


Clean Faster-Boost Master Apk file Information

Имя файла:mobi.mgeek.browserfaster.apk
Загружено: Август 6, 2016 в 13:30 по Гринвичу +00
Минимальная версия Android:Зависит от устройства

Разработчик приложений:Дельфин Браузер

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