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Download Notifly 1.24.RC1 APK for your Android Mobile, Планшет ИЛИ любое устройство Android с AndroidFreeApks.com с прямой ссылкой.

Notifly offers a new way to read notifications and also reply to notifications. Just from anywhere you want.

Sometimes you did not want to quit your current app but also need to quick reply to a message. At this point Notifly will help you.
By receiving a notification Notifly will open it’s content in a small bubble. By clicking this a boundedpopup with the content will appear.

Notifly 1.24.RC1 APK file Information:

Имя файла: com.flyperinc.notifly.apk
Версия: 1.24.RC1
Загружено: сен 15, 2016 в 16:42 Вечернее время по Гринвичу +00
Размер файла: 2.8М
Минимальная версия Android: 4.4 и вверх

Развиватьр: Flyperinc

Download Notifly 1.24.RC1 APK:

Older Version of Notifly 1.24.RC1 Available:


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