Orange Cache Cleaner 2.4 APK 最新版本

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Download Orange Cache Cleaner 2.4 适用于您的 Android 手机的 APK, 平板电脑或来自 的任何 Android 设备,带有直接链接.

How would you feel if you could be able to store 100’s of new songs, 视频, pictures and apps on your phone, 免费? That’s exactly what Orange Cleaner does!

Orange Cache Cleaner is a small tool used for clearing application cached files. One Tap is all you need to clean all cached files, therefore getting more available space. There’s no need to ROOT the phone!

This tool can free up a lot of storage memory on your phone so you can get more internal ROM storage. Anyone who has memory management issues NEEDS to use this app. This way you can stop low memory warnings, fix low memory and fix your buggy android phone. If you’re running out of app storage, you can get extra available storage space by clearing cache and data files created by applications.

Orange Cache Cleaner 2.4 APK文件信息:

文件名: com.job.orangecleaner.apk
版本: 2.4
已上传: 九月 12, 2016 在 13:21格林威治标准时间+00
文件大小: 4.3米
最低安卓版本: 2.3 及以上

开发者r: JoB Orange Marketing

Download Orange Cache Cleaner 2.4 下载 :

  • Download Orange Cache Cleaner 2.4 APK – 4.3M
  • 从 Google Play 安装

Older Version of Orange Cache Cleaner 2.4 可用的APK:


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