Sound Meter 1.18 APK 最新版本

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Want to measure sound level? This is smart sound level meter app for Android!
Our decibel meter uses your built-in microphone to measure sound volume in decibels (dB) and also displays samples on graph.

笔记: Microphones in most devices are aligned to human voice and the maximum values are limited by the hardware. Very loud sounds (~90 dB and more) may not be recognized. Automatic gain control used in some devices may interfere with the operation of this noise meter.


Sound Meter 1.18 APK文件信息:

文件名: com.splendapps.decibel.apk
版本: 1.18
已上传: 九月 19, 2016 在 14:15 格林威治标准时间+00
文件大小: 2.8米
最低安卓版本: 4.1 及以上

开发者r: Splend Apps

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